Friday 20 June 2008

Court delays action sorting out Britney Spears' financial issues

LOS ANGELES - It will be a bit longer before the court begins to sort out Britney Spears' finances.

A Los Angeles court commissioner on Tuesday delayed a trial on whether the singer's father will continue to have control over his daughter's money. It was scheduled to begin on July 31, but attorneys still have to work out a number of issues.

The 26-year-old's finances and personal affairs have been under the control of her father for several months. Neither Spears or her father attended Tuesday's hearing.

Attorneys and Commissioner Reva Goetz met for more than an hour behind closed doors. Both sides have until next month to file information about Spears' finances and mental health.

Contributing to the delay: the pop star remains on vacation and can't participate until next week.

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